They’re not a holiday books, per se, but the second Ganymede Quartet book, A Proper Lover (GQ Book 2), and the accompanying Martin POV short story, A Master’s Fidelity (GQ Book 2.5), do cover the fall and winter holidays quite thoroughly.
A Proper Lover begins just before a Halloween party at Henry’s friend Louis Briggs’ house. Following that, Henry and Martin share a special Thanksgiving, and then there’s a Wilton family Christmas that introduces two of my favorite side characters. This second installment in Henry and Martin’s story closes on New Year’s Eve. The accompanying short story, A Master’s Fidelity, also takes place on New Year’s Eve and runs parallel to the events of APL. For that reason, it’s recommended that you read APL first, though of course you can do whatever you want :P
I still don’t have firm release dates for either book. However, when they do go on sale, A Proper Lover will list for $4.99 and A Master’s Fidelity will be be FREE at all the retailers who allow it and $0.99 elsewhere. As before, I’m going to be asking for help reporting lower competitor’s prices in order to get Amazon to offer AMF for free.
I’ll be posting covers and blurbs shortly :)
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